Q: 1. What is media.
Information that is communicated, between one person and another, on a mass produced scale.
Q. 2. List at least 5 different types of media that exist
from your timeline research task.
Phonogram, Photograph, WWW, alphabet and facebook
Q.3. what is web
2.0? what does web 2.0 offer to consumers compared to web1.0.
Web 2.0 consists of more advanced webpages, that are more then one way direction, and is centered around user generated content, with more advanced and specialised graphics.
Q.4 What are the four
main elements used to analyse a music video/film/TV media text.
Mise Un Scene
Q 5. In Prof. S. Hall’s theory on encoding and decoding
there are three ways in which a media text can be decoded. Describe them below
1. Preferred- Read in the way the producer intended.
2. Negotiated- Compromise between the producers view, and your own.
3. Oppositional- The audience completely rejects the producers reading and creates their own.
Q. 6 Define representation
How media texts deal and present issues related to gender, race, ethinicity and age.
Q.7 Define stereotype
A common generalisation of a group, that may be inaccurate, but is common belief.
Q. 8 Define counter-stereotype.
The exact opposite to a particular stereotype.
Q.9 Define working
Class of people who work, generally in low pay jobs, often with low level educational achievment. Associated with manual labour. Classic jobs include, heavy labouring and factory work. (this could be revised to include, delivery men, web designers etc)
Q.10 list five media stereotypes associated with the working
Dirty, poor, alcoholics, hate all upperclass, always oppressed.
Q. 11 list four black racial stereotypes .
Dancing, Gangs, Like rap music and like chicken.
Q.12 identify the four stereotypes associated with Alvardo
Exotic, dangerous, pitied, humours.
Q.13 discuss Butsch
theory on the representation of the working class (1992)
He said that the working class are flawed.
Q.15. Discuss Newman (2006) theory on the representation of the working class
Negative opinion, drugs, ad people who are bad.
Q.16 Shildrick
and MacDonald (2007) suggested that the poor are undeserving of sympathy. (complete the sentence).